A talk about D3
In late August I was invited to give a talk at the seminar series “Coffee ‘n’ Code”, which was organized by Sara Sjunnebo and some others at the SciLifeLab National Genomics Infrastruture in Sweden. I was excited because the folks there have previously had an awesome lineup of speakers for their monthly bioinformatics-related seminars.
I decided to bring some art and color to SciLifeLab and started preparing a talk about how to use D3 to create custom visualizations. When I set out to build the first slides, I quickly felt that D3’s concepts are not suitable to be packed into a slide show. So I paused for a few days before I decided to go for a live-coding presentation.
Although the talk was meant to be given in front of researchers (or at least in front of my webcam…), I tried to select a dataset which is not too abstract for a broad public audience. A few months before, I learned of SciLifeLab’s data center and that they provide all kinds of metadata about this prestigious Swedish research institution. They also have a record of all publications by their researchers over the last ten years. That was my dataset.
Going live
At the end of August I live coded the whole thing. What should I say, it was a lot of fun. Thanks for the opportunity and the positive feedback! Now let’s go and learn some D3! :)